Different types of Drilling

Familiarity with various drilling methods is essential for those working in technical professions.

There are many technical aspects to drilling that, if neglected, can lead to significant material damage.

If you want to learn about the different methods of drilling metal parts, stay with us till the end of this article.

Types of Drilling Methods (Drilling)

In general, industrial drilling methods are divided into two main categories:

  • Drilling with a drill
  • Drilling with a punch

Drilling with a drill has far more applications in the industry.

Whereas punches are used solely for drilling metal sheets.

In this article, we will introduce each of the drilling methods mentioned above.

Types of Drilling

Drilling with a Drill

The first and most commonly used method among different drilling types is undoubtedly done using a drill.

A drill can be used to drill various types of parts made of different materials.

Here, we intend to examine the method of drilling metal parts.

For this purpose, the following steps must be taken:

Preparing the Workpiece In the first step, the workpiece must be prepared for drilling.

If the part is light or has small dimensions, be sure to secure it with special clamps so that it does not move during drilling.

Then mark the exact drilling location on the piece using a special marker.

Preparing the Workpiece for Drilling

Choosing the Drill Bit Next, you should choose a drill bit of the appropriate size (radius of the desired hole) for drilling.

Drill bits are usually made of hard steel and should be sharpened well before use.

Choosing the Drill Bit

Next, you should choose a drill bit with the appropriate size (the radius of the desired hole) for drilling.

Drill bits are usually made of hard steel and should be sharpened well before use.

Drilling the Part

For drilling large parts, you should use a drill press machine.

Working with these machines is very easy.

You place the part on the work table of the machine.

Then you put the drill bit in the desired hole and tighten it.

Adjust the position of the drill bit with the intended drilling location, turn on the machine, and then guide the drill bit downwards using the lever.

This easily creates the desired hole.

If the intended hole is deeper than 5 centimeters, you need to use special tools and drill bits for deep drilling.

For drilling small parts, you can also use handheld drills.

During drilling with a handheld drill, you must definitely adjust and maintain the angle between the tip of the drill bit and the workpiece at 90 degrees.

Remember that lubricating the drill bits during drilling to prevent overheating and breaking is essential.

Types of Punch Drilling

Another practical method in the discussion of various drilling types is the use of punches.

As mentioned earlier, punches are used for drilling metal sheets.

It is worth noting that using a punch for drilling metal sheets has higher accuracy and speed of operation compared to drills.

For this purpose, a machine called a punch press is used.

A punch press is an adjustable machine that needs to have the desired hole diameter defined for creating a hole in the metal sheet.

Subsequently, the metal sheet is fed into the punch press machine.

A very high concentrated force is applied to the sheet at the intended location, resulting in a hole being formed in the piece.

Types of punch presses for drilling are divided into several categories, which include:

Hand Punch

Impact Punch Press

Hydraulic Punch Press

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